Self driving smartphone controlled baby stroller is on its way

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Self driving smartphone controlled baby stroller is on its way

As self-driving cars become a reality, similar technology is being used to create the ultimate smart baby stroller.
Powered by an electric motor, the Smartbe “intelligent stroller” will spare parents the tiring chore of pushing the pram. Instead they will be able to go “hands free”.
It is being promoted by a start-up company in New York City where it could prove to be the ultimate Manhattan status symbol.
Thanks to built in motion-tracking sensors the stroller not only dodges obstacles but stays close to the parent at all times.

Smartbe Intelligent Stroller from Smartbe Intelligent Stroller on Vimeo.
Should the user start walking backwards, the stroller goes into reverse. If a parent stops, so does the pram.
The motor means the stroller is far easier to push uphill. It can also be used to help cart heavy shopping.
Not only does the stroller drive itself, but it is packed with other technology for labour-saving parenting.

From a choice of canopies to a built-in baby rocker, the stroller does pretty much everything. It controls the temperature, warms bottles and even plays a lullaby.
The stroller, which is also fitted with an alarm if somebody tries to kidnap the occupant, does not come cheap.
When it is put on sale at some point next year, the top of the range model will cost S3,000 (£2,250).

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